Just the other day I discovered a great magazine about creating Fantasy/Sci-Fi themed digital art: ImagineFX. Packed with inspiring images, advices, reviews, interviews and workshops it immediately appealed to me.
To my excitement, I soon discovered that the magazine had a website where you can register for free and upload images in your own personal gallery (doesn't seem to be any limit to how many pictures you may upload daily). The site also contains workshops from previous issues and - last but definitely not least - a forum where you can discuss art related questions, but also post your own WIPs (Works In Progress) and get feedback. Since I started posting there, the community has been really friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. I actually enjoy this site so much that I now has it as a start page.
If you have even the slightest interest in Fantasy/Sci-Fi art this is a magazine and a community you can't miss. Come by, get inspired, have fun and learn from experienced artists at:
Don't forget to visit Golden Leaves - The Fantasytree Store below
Find Fantasytree recommendations and see what other readers recommend at the bottom of this page...
Want me to link to You? Just let me know! :-)
Art copyright unless otherwise stated: Mindbender. Please ask me before you use it elsewhere. Only exception to this is the terms of use for the Graphic design concepts.
It's So Easy and Other Lies
As much as I loved Appetite for Destruction, I was never a huge Guns N’
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still i...
Bloggportalen lever vidare!
Jag har knappt gjort ett blogginlägg sedan jag läste beskedet att
Bloggportalen skulle läggas ned. Men idag fick jag ett infall och besökte
min gamla favor...
So long, and thanks for all the books
It is with an equal helping of bittersweet melancholy and bright-eyed
excitement that I am announcing the closure of A Dribble of Ink today. A
Dribble of...