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Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Free online game I have actually finished

I will publish links to those free online games I've actually finished. This means that the game (no matter how long it is) has managed to keep me interested enough to play it to the end. In other words it must have had SOMETHING to keep me hooked. Hope you'll enjoy them (and finish them) as well.

First one out is a really nice little adventure game where you wake up and don't remember who you are:


(Note: Not suitable for children! I would put a 12+ rating on it)


  1. Hey... it sounds like the free online games that you played were really good. Please publish the link. Wanna play!

  2. Hi there, the link to the online game mentioned, Trapped, can be found in the post. Some other nice games can be found in the link collection in the left column.
    Best wishes


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