I'm happy to post the final version of the miniature landscape that I had started painting and drawing when I last posted. Today I realized that it had been approved and can now be found in my gallery at the prestigious site Epilogue - Fantasy and Sci-Fi at Their Best
Getting a piece accepted and added to my own gallery at Epilogue was for a long time my first artistic goal. Through this second approval I realize that the first one wasn't just a lucky shot. This will mean a lot for my confidence as an artist.
Here is the piece, finally entitled "Wishful Wings:
Here is another piece that I painted for a CGHub Creature Planets challenge. A creature design of a Clephadar residing in the caves above the sulfur seas on the planet Sylfarius:
Posted this speedpainting the other day on YouTube. Have composed the techno mix in the background myself. Enjoy and hope you all have a great summer! :)
Finished this painting the other day for an online course in 11 lessons (currently only available in Swedish at Pennans Vandring, but I plan to translate the course into English and post it here as well.
First, I want to wish all my readers a great 2011. Next, here is what the winter fantasy landscape from the previous post ended up like: (ArtRage, postadjusted in Photoshop)
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Art copyright unless otherwise stated: Mindbender. Please ask me before you use it elsewhere. Only exception to this is the terms of use for the Graphic design concepts.
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So long, and thanks for all the books
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