Constantly Growing...

Constantly Growing...
- A fantastic blog from here to where the rainbow ends...

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Friday, 9 December 2011

My Latest Miniature Approved at Epilogue!

I'm happy to post the final version of the miniature landscape that I had started painting and drawing when I last posted. Today I realized that it had been approved and can now be found in my gallery at the prestigious site
Epilogue -  Fantasy and Sci-Fi at Their Best

Getting a piece accepted and added to my own gallery at Epilogue was for a long time my first artistic goal. Through this second approval I realize that the first one wasn't just a lucky shot. This will mean a lot for my confidence as an artist.

Here is the piece, finally entitled "Wishful Wings:

Wishful Wings, mixed mediums 8x12cm 2011

Monday, 28 November 2011

Miniature Landscape v 0.1

Start of a miniature landscape using a mix of traditional medias:

Miniature landscape v 0.1

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Finished Digital Painting - Clephadar from Sylfarius

Here is another piece that I painted for a CGHub Creature Planets challenge. A creature design of a Clephadar residing in the caves above the sulfur seas on the planet Sylfarius:

Clephadar from Sylfarius, digital 2011

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Finished Digital Painting: No Rock Ahead

Just realized that I never posted the final version of the "No Rock Ahead" piece. Here it is:

No Rock Ahead, digital 2011

Friday, 19 August 2011

Online Challenge Work WIP

Latest update of my entry for the online challenge "Day of the tentacle" at CGHub:

Monday, 8 August 2011

Ink study after Rembrandt

A short ink study I drew for practice the other week after a portrait by Rembrandt:

Portrait (after Rembrandt), ink 2011

Thursday, 28 July 2011

New WIP of Fantasy Painting Study after Parkinson

Latest update of my study after a painting by Keith Parkinson:

Fantasy Painting (after Parkinson) WIP, digital 2011

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Speedpainting of Scarlett Johansson

Posted this speedpainting the other day on YouTube. Have composed the techno mix in the background myself. Enjoy and hope you all have a great summer! :)

Friday, 17 June 2011

Concept Art . Visinbale's Wall WIP

Have kept working on another piece for the Dawn RPG game, Visinbale's Wall:

Visinbale's Wall WIP, digital 2011

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Finished Digital Painting - Belemar Mountains (2011)

Finally my concept art for the Dawn-project, Belemar Mountains is finished. Here's the final version:

Belemar Mountains, digital 2011

Friday, 27 May 2011

Concept Art - Belemar mountains WIP11

Have kept painting on my concept for the Dawn RPG. Here's update 11:

Belemar mountains WIP11, digital 2011

Friday, 6 May 2011

Concept Art for Dawn RPG - Belemar WIP

Latest WIP of the environment concept I'm painting for the computer RPG Dawn:

Belemar Mountains Concept Art, 2011 (digital)

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Finished Digital Painting - The Tree and The Beast (2011)

Finished this painting the other day for an online course in 11 lessons (currently only available in Swedish at Pennans Vandring, but I plan to translate the course into English and post it here as well.

The Tree and The Beast (2011)

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Frazetta Study, WIP4

Have been drawing a study after a painting by Frank Frazetta recently. Drawn with the pen tool in ArtRage, here is the latest WIP:

Warrior (after Frazetta) WIP, 2011 (digital)

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Finished Winter Fantasy Landscape

First, I want to wish all my readers a great 2011. Next, here is what the winter fantasy landscape from the previous post ended up like: (ArtRage, postadjusted in Photoshop)

Between Snow and Sky, 2011 (digital)

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