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Constantly Growing...
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Thursday, 27 September 2012

Eowyn Portrait (after still frame) WiP

The other day I kept painting my portrait study of Eowyn (after still image from LOTR trilogy.) I'm finally starting to get closer in terms of similarity and body size and volume. Here is the latest update:

Eowyn (after photo) WIP

Monday, 10 September 2012

(Completed iPad Drawing) A Dragon's Last Wish

Yesterday I finally had the opportunity to finished the dragon portrait I have been working on for a long time. Here's the final result:

A Dragon's Last Wish, iPad drawing 2012

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Goblin Spritesheet for Ironbane (pre-alpha MMORPG) WiP

Lately one of the projects I've been working on continuously has been a spritesheet for the game Iron Bane  (please visit the server and try out the game if you want to). 

A spritesheet is a collection of the various frames (still images), which together result in an animation.  I have been asked to make a spritesheet of a goblin that can move in 8 directions. After today's update two directions remain before I can begin to refine each frame with shadows and details. Here is the draft for the first six directions:

Sunday, 12 August 2012

101 Scenes High Fantasy - Eowyn Portrait

Recently I have been working on a study of Eowyn after a still frame from the LOTR movies. Here's the latest update:

Eowyn portrait WiP

Monday, 30 July 2012

(iPad Painting) Fantasy Landscapes WIP

I have been away on vacation, but have now returned home .The other day I kept painting this fantasy landscape on the iPad. Used the app Sketch Club and a stylus pen:

iPad landscape WIP

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Return to Fantasy Mountain WIP

Today I returned to the mountain range I paint for the RTS game. Here is todays  update:

Fantasy Landscape for RTS games WIP

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

(Video!) Speedpaint Study after Frazetta

Today I had the opportunity to continue with my speedpaint study after Frazettas painting of a four-armed enemy of John Carter. Uploaded the new clip to YouTube and put it together with the first part along with some background music. Here it is:

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Concept Art update: Laboratory WiP

Have painted some more on the laboratory to the upcoming online game "Operation: Terraform". Am experiencing that all work with minimalist sprites have helped me to understand the importance of clarity and simplification. Here is the latest version:

Laboratory WIP

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Ratman for RTS-Game Almost Finished

I have kept painting my unit portrait for the upcoming RTS game. It's as well as completed and ready for adjustments in Photoshop. It looks like this:

Ratman - Unit Portrait for RTS game WIP

Friday, 18 May 2012

A Man-eating Plant!

Today I started on my first concept art for the game Ironbane . It represents one of the plants the players may be forced to fight in the game. First draft looks like this:

Man-eating Plant WiP

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Dwarf made in Mixed media WIP

Have drawn a dwarf in pencil and ink. Trying now to scan and work with the digital. Here is what it looks like at the moment:

Dwarf WiP

Sunday, 15 April 2012

New Concept Art Sketch: Laboratorium

Have begun painting another concept art piece for the upcoming online game Operation: Terraform. This time of a laboratorium.

Concept Art - Lab WIP

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Concept Art Update

Latest update of the concept art I'm painting for the upcoming online game "Operation: Terraform":

Operation: Terraform Concept Art WIP

Friday, 9 March 2012

Todays DSF-sketch: The Last Resort

Todays quick (40 min) sketch for the daily sketch challenge at CGtalk looks like this. The set title was "The Last Resort" Wish you all a great weekend!

The Last Resort, digital sketch 2012

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Neona - Finished portrait commission

Finished portrait commission with a sci-fi atmosphere:

Neona, digital 2012

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Finished Concept Art

Here is the final version of the first Concept Art I have painted for the upcoming online game Operation: Terraform. Hope you like it.

Rain Before Mourning, digital 2012

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Study from Eragon

Wish you all a happy new 2012. Let's kick things off with a digital sketch after a still frame from the movie Eragon:

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