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Friday 23 January 2009

Release of a New Blog: A Blogger's Quest!

am very happy to announce that I today have released another blog,

This is a blog about blog improvement and high quality blogging, based on the experiences I have had while working on this one.

A short excerpt from the first post:

Every post here will include at least one valuable realization I had along the way, a lesson and an advice that can hopefully help you as well to create the blog of YOUR dreams.

I will try to divide the different aspects of blogging into a few important main subjects, such as: Writing, Layout, Add-ons etc. ...

To make this a good starting point for high quality blogging, I will add links to some of the blogs that are considered the "best" according to different blog lists around the net. However I would also like to add links to blogs written by followers of this blog.

Feel free to come by and check out this new blog - especially if you are an improving blogger like myself.

Best wishes

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