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Wednesday 19 August 2009

Sketch Of The Day - Botticelli Portrait Study

A quick digital sketch I have done for one of the amazing anatomy lesson threads at the Cgsociety forum. These anatomy lessons are run by Rebecca Kimmel and are based on studies from master works. Since I just love doing master studies I am so happy that I have found this great instructional resource.

Fantasytree tip #11: If you wish to improve your figure drawing (the way you draw humans, animals, beasts etc.) you should definitely register at Cgsociety and join one of the lessons or workshops found in the forum.

This sketch is a quick (15 min) master study from a portrait by Sandro Botticelli (ArtRage 2,5):


  1. I like your portrait! I will start training tomorrow, I promise. I haven´t started getting lesson 2 on the paper yet. It´s still only in my mind.
    See you!

  2. Thanks. You start drawing when you feel like it. Should not become a pressure, but hopefully will become a need.



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