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Art copyright unless otherwise stated: Mindbender. Please ask me before you use it elsewhere. Only exception to this is the terms of use for the Graphic design concepts.
The Blighted Stars
I've been hearing good things about Megan E. O'Keefe for a while. So when a
slew of Orbit titles went on sale a few months back, I got my hands on *The
Freeway Overpass
FREEWAY OVERPASS, markers and charcoal, 11” x 17”.
Why do thumbnails? It's a low-risk way of thinking visually.
My goal here is to capture a feeling of sp...
Bloggportalen lever vidare!
Jag har knappt gjort ett blogginlägg sedan jag läste beskedet att
Bloggportalen skulle läggas ned. Men idag fick jag ett infall och besökte
min gamla favor...
So long, and thanks for all the books
It is with an equal helping of bittersweet melancholy and bright-eyed
excitement that I am announcing the closure of A Dribble of Ink today. A
Dribble of...
"Let the eagles fly". Beautiful wings and good motion in the picture.
Thanks, glad you like it.