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Thursday, 15 October 2009

New Lesson Coming Up and Magic The Frazetta Way

First of all: Good News for all awaiting another free drawing lesson! I have now written a 3rd lesson AND drawn an additional basic step-by-step drawing exercise (first in a planned series) and have only some minor editing left before posting them. Hopefully the new free lesson will be available here already tomorrow. It will be an introduction for a new project: How to draw a fantasy beast or animal. Whatever you do, don't miss it as it among other things explains why future lessons are structured the way they are.

Apart from that, the latest Sketchstorm subject was "Magic". I decided to draw another Frazetta study, this time with an ink pen:


  1. A mighty man! Is it Gandalf? Nice drawing!

  2. Thanks, no I believe it's some other wizard who - unlike Gandalf - wishes to remain anonymous ;-)


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