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Sunday 29 November 2009

Finshed Drawing - Elvis Presley Portrait

Yesterday I mentioned that I had finished a drawing project. Today I can reveal that it was an Elvis drawing for my mother. Drawn with a Derwent Graphic, a 0.7 and a 0.5 mechanical pencil (HB) from a photo by Bettman/Corbis this is what it looked like. Scanned it before handing it over to my mum yesterday:

Elvis Presley (2009)
[21x29 cm]


  1. Great! Great! Great!
    My absolute favourite star. I thought he was great when I was young, but the more I get to know about him, the greater he gets!

    An amazingly well drawn picture. It has got a soul!

    Your mother must be lucky ta get such a picture.


  2. Thanks a lot. Glad you like it. Yes, she seemed quite pleased with it :)


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