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Sunday, 22 November 2009

My Sketchbook at ImagineFX Received Highest Rating!

I was both utterly surprised and very happy when I yesterday discovered that the Sketchbook I have at ImagineFX had received 5 stars (out of 5). Since it has now reached it's 19th page, it shows the entire process of learning and struggling with drawing since November last year. Hopefully it can inspire others to practice and explore this enriching hobby.

Just to give an idea of the journey so far, here is the very first and the very latest post in the thread. The first one was drawn with a mousepad (didn't have either a tablet or a scanner at the time) in Windows Paint and the second one with ink pen on paper.

Bear in mind though, that the first one was done entirely without reference, while the Iguazú waterfalls were drawn fram a photo.

I still think it's interesting to see that I have come so far during this year and yet... I haven't moved an inch. It's still trees, water and bold black lines.

Heartree (Digital sketch November 2008)

Iguazú Waterfalls (Ink pen sketch November 2009)

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