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Wednesday, 16 December 2009

From the Sketchbook - Mossberg Birch Tree Masterstudy

One of the things I enjoy most to draw is trees. I can really understand why the tree has become such an important symbol throughout the ages.

Bo Mossberg is one of my favorite artists when it comes to painting nature. Once more I decided to do a masterstudy of one of his watercolor paintings. This time it's a Birch, drawn for the Sketchstorm thread.

Speaking of watercolor, I upgraded my version of ArtRage to ArtRage 3. Some great additions like "fill bucket", watercolor tool and ink pen is making me really happy. Hope to soon have an AR3 work to post here. Will certainly be useful for drawing tattoo/graphic designs.

Anyway, here is the tree study (mechanical 0,7 HB pencil on standard office paper):


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