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- A fantastic blog from here to where the rainbow ends...

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Sunday, 8 February 2009

A New Blog: Dreambend!

Today I am happy to announce that I have created another blog: Dreambend - A blog about pursuing your creative dreams. It will be about the creative interests I have, initially focusing on computer game making. An excerpt from the first post:

I also wanted to have the option available to broaden the creative perspective to any of the creative interests I have. These interests include:

- Computer game making
- Writing (I have begun writing a fantasy novel, some short stories and poetry - and of course blog on a daily basis)
- Music (I'm a musician and have written a couple of songs, just for family and friends)
- Drawing and Painting

This blog will be about any creative project of mine that I feel like writing about (or publishing online). The initial focus will probably be computer game making however, since that is the thing I'm most interested in at the moment. It can actually be regarded as a combination of all the other art forms.

I hope you will enjoy this new blog as well as this one.

Note: Since my blog interest is beginning to take up a little too much time at the moment I will simplify the layout of the posts here on Fantasytree and will only add dates and world description when I find time to - not in every post as before. Of course this will not affect the quality of the content in the actual posts.


  1. Hi Dreambender
    I think this is a terrific idea! I really would like to join.

  2. Hi Marc,
    I'm glad you feel like joining that blog as well. See you there


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