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- A fantastic blog from here to where the rainbow ends...

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Thursday, 29 October 2009

The "Golden Leaves" Store Opened Yesterday!

Yesterday the Fantasytree blog evolved visually as well as when it comes to what content it has to offer it's readers. A new template was chosen resulting in a less demanding layout and a blog that is easier to read and search. Besides from that, the Fantasytree Store Golden Leaves opened it's gates. Looking for great fantasy/sci-fi-related products? Movies; Music; Novels; Games; Art Books - Look no further. The store will keep growing and continually update its products - based on what I have tried or purchased myself and can honestly recommend. Soon you should be able to find just what you've been looking for.

The Golden Leaves store is found at the bottom of the page - no need to even leave the site when you feel like shopping or if you are just curious about what I recommend. If you prefer to visit the store in a separate window, just click here.

Please comment on these changes in order to keep this blog being the one you have always dreamed of.

Apart from that it is still the same old fantasy geek writing and drawing and dreaming about distant kingdoms where dragons cross the crimson skies and anything is possible...


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